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Making a Will

points to consider when writing your will



  • Avoid delays in settling your estate


  • Minimise Probate costs and avoid legal challenge (estate administration)

The Law

  • Avoid archaic laws of intestacy

Executors & Recipients

  • Choose who will carry out your instructions and who will inherit your estate
  • Provide for vulnerable / disabled beneficiaries

Your Partner

  • Ensure spousal protection
  • Essential if cohabiting


  • Choose the legal guardians for your children


  • Choose at what age your children will inherit


  • Save where you can on inheritance tax

You Decide

  • Make gifts to Friends, family or charity
  • Ability to disinherit individuals who would oherwise inherit

Let’s Start a Conversation

Let’s Start a Conversation

 Rebecca Denby  MIPW, MICB, CAT

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